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Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
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Katalog Produk

Reflectorless Total Station South NTS-352R, Reflectorless Total Station NTS-355R, Reflectorless Total Station NTS-355SR[25 Mar. 2010, 1:47:54]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
JumlahReady Stock
Kemas & PengirimanSet
Negara AsalChina
Reflectorless Total Station South NTS-352R
Reflectorless Total Station South NTS-355R
Reflectorless Total Station South NTS-355SR

Produk Pendahuluan
Rentang pengukuran tanpa prisma: 100m. Keakuratan: 5 + 3 ppm. Rentang Mengukur dengan prisma: 3000m. Keakuratan: 2 + 2 ppm

Detail Produk: NTS-352R

* Measuring Range ( Di bawah kondisi cuaca cerah)
- Range 1P: 3.0km
- Rentang Tidak Prism: 200M
- Digital Display:
- Maksimum: 999999.999
- Minimum: 1mm
- Accuracy
- 1P: 2 + 2PPM
- Tidak ada prisma: 5 + 3ppm
- Measuring Time:
- Fine Mode: 3s
- Pelacakan mode: 1s
- Atmosfer Koreksi: Otomatis Koreksi oleh Inputing Parameter
Prism Constant: 0mm / 30mm
* Angle Pengukuran
- Pengukuran Metode: incremental Photoelectronic Encoding
- Diameter of The Raster Disk ( Horizontal / Vertical) : 79MM
- Minimum Reading: 1 " / 5" Opsional
- Accuracy: 2 "
- Deteksi Metode
- Horizontal: Dual
- Vertikal: Dual
* Telescope
- Image: Erect
- Panjang: 154MM
- Efektif Aperture: 45mm, ( DTM: 50mm)
- Magnification: 30 ×
- Field of View: 1 ° 30 '
- Menyelesaikan Power: 3 "
- Minimum Focus: 1M
* Vertical Kompensasi
- System: Liquid-electric detection / Plate botol
- Bekerja Range: + / -3 '
- Accuracy: 1 "
* Senstivity of Vials
- Plate botol: 30 " / 2MM
- Edaran botol: 8 ' / 2MM
* Optical Plummet
- Image: Erect
- Magnification: 3 ×
- Focusing Range: 0.5M ~ ?
- Field of View: 5 °
- Jenis: Dual sisi / Single sisi
- Power Supply: Rechargeable Ni-H baterai
- Voltage: 6VDC
- Operasi Time: 8 jam
* Dimension & Weight
- Dimension: 200 * 180 * 350MM
- Weight: 5.8Kg

Reflectorless Total Station NTS-355R
Detail Produk: NTS-355R

* Measuring Range ( Di bawah kondisi cuaca cerah)
- Range 1P: 2.5KM
- Rentang Tidak Prism: 200M
- Digital Display:
- Maksimum: 999999.999
- Minimum: 1mm
- Accuracy
- 1P: 2 + 2PPM
- Tidak ada prisma: 5 + 3ppm
- Measuring Time:
- Fine Mode: 3s
- Pelacakan mode: 1s
- Atmosfer Koreksi: Otomatis Koreksi oleh Inputing Parameter
Prism Constant: 0mm / 30mm
* Angle Pengukuran
- Pengukuran Metode: incremental Photoelectronic Encoding
- Diameter of The Raster Disk ( Horizontal / Vertical) : 79MM
- Minimum Reading: 1 " / 5" Opsional
- Accuracy: 5 "
- Deteksi Metode
- Horizontal: Dual
- Vertikal: Dual
* Telescope
- Image: Erect
- Panjang: 154MM
- Efektif Aperture: 45mm, ( DTM: 50mm)
- Magnification: 30 ×
- Field of View: 1 ° 30 '
- Menyelesaikan Power: 3 "
- Minimum Focus: 1M
* Vertical Kompensasi
- System: Liquid-electric detection / Plate botol
- Bekerja Range: + / -3 '
- Accuracy: 1 "
* Senstivity of Vials
- Plate botol: 30 " / 2MM
- Edaran botol: 8 ' / 2MM
* Optical Plummet
- Image: Erect
- Magnification: 3 ×
- Focusing Range: 0.5M ~ ?
- Field of View: 5 °
- Jenis: Dual sisi / Single sisi
- Power Supply: Rechargeable Ni-H baterai
- Voltage: 6VDC
- Operasi Time: 8 jam
* Dimension & Weight
- Dimension: 200 * 180 * 350MM
- Weight: 5.8Kg

Reflectorless Total Station NTS-355SR
Detail Produk: NTS-355SR

* Measuring Range ( Di bawah kondisi cuaca cerah)
- Range 1P: 2.0KM
- Rentang Tidak Prism: 200M
- Digital Display:
- Maksimum: 999999.999
- Minimum: 1mm
- Accuracy
- 1P: 2 + 2PPM
- Tidak ada prisma: 5 + 3ppm
- Measuring Time:
- Fine Mode: 3s
- Pelacakan mode: 1s
- Atmosfer Koreksi: Otomatis Koreksi oleh Inputing Parameter
Prism Constant: 0mm / 30mm
* Angle Pengukuran
- Pengukuran Metode: incremental Photoelectronic Encoding
- Diameter of The Raster Disk ( Horizontal / Vertical) : 79MM
- Minimum Reading: 1 " / 5" Opsional
- Accuracy: 2 "
- Deteksi Metode
- Horizontal: Dual
- Vertikal: Dual
* Telescope
- Image: Erect
- Panjang: 154MM
- Efektif Aperture: 45mm, ( DTM: 50mm)
- Magnification: 30 ×
- Field of View: 1 ° 30 '
- Menyelesaikan Power: 3 "
- Minimum Focus: 1M
* Vertical Kompensasi
- System: Liquid-electric detection / Plate botol
- Bekerja Range: + / -3 '
- Accuracy: 1 "
* Senstivity of Vials
- Plate botol: 30 " / 2MM
- Edaran botol: 8 ' / 2MM
* Optical Plummet
- Image: Erect
- Magnification: 3 ×
- Focusing Range: 0.5M ~ ?
- Field of View: 5 °
- Jenis: Dual sisi / Single sisi
- Power Supply: Rechargeable Ni-H baterai
- Voltage: 6VDC
- Operasi Time: 8 jam
* Dimension & Weight
- Dimension: 200 * 180 * 350MM
- Weight: 5.8Kg