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Reverse Osmosis Plant[8 Dec. 2010, 11:06:18]
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Negara AsalIndonesia


Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant | Reverse Osmosis Plant

PROFILTER-INDONESIA carries complete range Reverse Osmosis Plant. Units ranging from 100 to 10000 LPH and more.

Our Standard features of reverse osmosis plant includes Pre Micron Filter, High Pressure Pump, Stainless Steel Pressure tubes with Membranes, Electrical Control Panel with TDS meter and Wet Panel with Flow Indicators and Pressure Gauges, pressure switch and electrically driven solenoid valve, Pressure Regulator valve, Stainless steel 304 frame ( Skid) etc.

Optional features include Membrane cleaning system, Level switches, Low Pressure cut off switch, Automatic Fast rinse flush, Low pressure safety cut-off switch etc.

Our modular design allows for a wide range of flow rate ranging from 100 LPH to 10000 LPH.

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