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Mixed bed Ion exchange Demineralization polishing plants[19 Apr. 2010, 13:34:23]
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Mixed bed Ion exchange Demineralization polishing plants
PROFILTER engineers design and build tailor-made mixed bed polishing plants after Reverse Osmosis or Ion Exchange demi plants to produce demi-water below 0, 1 uS/ cm.
Ultra-pure water resin polishers also available on request.
Design data:
Water TDS max. 10 ppm
Demi water quality < 0, 1 uS/ cm
Silica < 0, 02 ppm
Recovery at 10 ppm TDS 99%
Our Ion Exchange plants include:
- Feed pump ( optional)
- Mixed Bed column
- Conductivity probe
- Electrical valves and fittings
- Control panel

For regenerable mixed bed, the regeneration station includes:
- Acid dosing station
- Caustic dosing station
- Dilution pump

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