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Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA
Hargacall 08188 07 696 or email
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Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | 0818 807696 | 021 84937805 | Ready Stock | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA | Filter Tank 1665 HTCOMA

HTCOMA water treatment vessels with PE liner, broadly apply to residential or commercial softening and filtering system. With perfect performance of corrosion-resistant, the vessels can be optionally equipped with FLECK and AUTOTROL controller. The continuous filament winding technique makes the vessel with higher pressure-resistant capability; HTCOMA offers reliable services for softening and filtering system.


Inner liner: Polythene

Opening available: See the table.

Operation Parameter

Max. Operation pressure: 1.0 MPa ( 150 PSI)

Max. Temperature: 40  ( 104° F)

Design Parameter-HTCOMA

Circle test: 100, 000 uninterrupted circles

Color Options: Natural, Blue, Grey

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