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PARR Reactor Series....
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Series 4555 10-20 L Floor Stand Reactors
The Model 4555 and 4557 Reactors with their 5 gallon ( 18.75 L) capacity are the largest stirred reactors offered by Parr. The 4556 and....

PARR Reactor Series....
Harga :

* Specification 4550
Type : General Purpose Floor Stand Reactor
Vessel : Moveable or Fixed
Size : 1 & 2 Gallon
Maximum Operating Pressure : 1900 psi ( 130) bar

PARR Reactor Series....
Harga :

* Specification 4540
Type : Bench Top and Floor Stand
High Pressure Reactor
Vessel : Moveable or Fixed
Size : 600 â € “ 1200 mL
Maximum Operating Pressure : 5000 psi ( 345) ....

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menampilkan 61-63 dari 63